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Caleydo is a community of researchers at JKU Linz, the University of Utah, and Harvard Medical School
that focuses on biological data visualization. Caleydo used to be a monolithic visual analysis
framework originally developed at TU Graz, targeted at biomolecular data, but has since evolved into a
more distributed collection of people, tools, software, and research projects. Some of the tools
developed as part of the Caleydo framework are now maintained and extended by our spin-off company, datavisyn.
This page collects the output of our work on biological data visualization in the form of software and
publications. All of our software is available as open source. Developers and researchers that want to
use or enhance the current tools are invited to contribute. See our Github
page for further details.
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- Taggle: Combining Overview and Details in Tabular Data Visualizations
Information Visualization,
- TourDino: A Support View for Confirming Patterns in Tabular Data
EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA '19),
- Ordino: visual analysis tool for ranking and exploring genes, cell lines, and tissue samples
- 阴阳师欧洲人分享抽卡秘籍:出SSR概率技巧说明_阴阳师 ...:2021-7-9 · 阴阳师欧洲人分享抽卡秘籍,针对如何出SSR的概率更高。因为17173编辑也基本用这种方法,给大家参考下关于看公告抽符动态获得的信息点。 加入 ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VAST '18),
- Lineage: Visualizing Multivariate Clinical Data in Genealogy Graphs
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, to appear,
- 拯救被墙的服务器 - tlanyan:2021-5-19 · 经常科学上网的网友,自然对vps被屏蔽、无法建立连接等现象再熟悉不过。遇到这种情况,新手该怎么面对和处理?经验丰富的老司机又如何做到时刻保持外网不断?本文先分析服务器被block的现象,再根据多年经验给出ip被墙的解决办法以及降低被墙概率的建议。
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis '18),
- TACO: Visualizing Changes in Tables Over Time
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis '17),
- Interactive Visual Exploration And Refinement Of Cluster Assignments
BMC Bioinformatics,
- Pathfinder: Visual Analysis of Paths in Graphs
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis '16),
- [ShadowsocksR] SSR功能详细介绍&使用教程 – 软体猫:APP喵:2021-2-27 · SSR windows 双击红色小飞机(4.0是64位,2.0是32位) 日常用到两种方式: 剪贴板批量导入ssr://链接 如果你的 SSR 供应商有提供批量 SSR 服务器配置链接,你就可以复制之后通过这里导入。服务器订阅 add网址
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis '16),
- AVOCADO: Visualization of Workflow-Derived Data Provenance for Reproducible Biomedical Research
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis '16),
- Vials: Visualizing Alternative Splicing of Genes
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis '15),